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Saturday 8 October 2011

London Photos part 2

Hi guys, hope you enjoyed part 1, now this is part 2, from my Iphone. Enjoy !

From left to right:

My mumm ,aunt, sister and her husband. (From left to right)

London Heathrow Terminal 5

That's all for London photos, thank you very much for viewing them.
London is one of my favourite cities in the world, its so easy to go around and if you are going there for the first time, you will have no problem getting anywhere. Its as easy as ABC. The only troublesome thing is that on weekends usually, some of the tube stations (Train) would be closed or lines not working due to upgrade works, meaning you got to do some planning, taking buses or cabs (expensive).

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave me a tweeter @ Charlesryanteo or
leave a comment.


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