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Friday 17 February 2012

My First Encounter with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner

Welcome to my blog post on the Boeing 787 Dreamliner! 

My very encounter with the Boeing 787 Dreamliner took place in February 2011! 

These photos were taken at Singapore's Aerospace Airshow in 2011. The first sight of it was love in first sight, you can call it! It was definitely the attention of the show and it was a good thing I went on media day, I got the chance along with others to board the aircraft and see for myself the difference between this and the older generation aircraft. 

Here are some photos of them! Please enjoy.

Roll Royce Trent 1000 engine 

The 2 ladies must be impressed with what they saw!

It was fun being so closed to the aircraft. Only during air shows, such changes may occur. 

The Roll Royce Trent 1000 engine looks impressive!

The excitement was building while climbing up the stairs. 

My first step on the Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner! 

Look at the impressive wingspan. 

The interior of the aircraft 

Business Class Seats

The cockpit! No one was allowed to enter. 

Y and J class seats: Look spacious and comfortable!

Beautiful cabin! 

Electronic shade: a new technology, but Airbus didn't implement this system on the Airbus A350. 

I could certainly do with this amount of legroom space in Y class!

Love the wings!

N787BX - You will always be remembered as my very first 787 experience. 

That's it, folks! Hope you enjoy the photos. :)

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