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Friday 19 September 2014

Top 5 Cities I will return to one day

Thanks to my friend, Pamela Loh, I am blogging something different for a change. Do check out her cool blog over here. I have been nominated by her to take part in the Booked.net - Top Destinations to Go There contest.

Well, I have thought of this question before and the answer is not difficult; didn't take long to figure out. For me, I like to visit some of my favourite cities again especially for a vacation for a few reasons: friends, exploring to other parts of the city and I often get good rates for accommodation. On the other hand, I like visiting new places as well. So either is fine for me, I am more keen on the latter these days.  Looking at photos on twitter, instragram and Facebook sometimes inspire me to visit them. My favourite reality travel show - 'Amazing race' plays a big part as well.

1st: Barcelona, Spain

One of the popular streets in Barcelona. 

I was there in summer time, 2011. Not an ideal time to go because of the intense heat! Despite the heat, it was a great day for sightseeing. Unfortunately, my friend and I spent only half a day in town. We were there for a joyride with defunct Spanair's MD-82 and MD-87 (Aircraft types). We purposely booked ourselves on Madrid to Barcelona return trip was to try out this airline and the aircraft type. We flew in the morning and return in the evening in a typical aviation enthusiast style! But then we couldn't explore the city as much as we want. It is something that I hope I can do so when I return there one day. 

Leaving the city after a few hours was painful and somehow the city had "begged" me to stay on but I couldn't because of my flight from Madrid to London the following day. 

My impression: Barcelona is a bustling city with many locals and tourists around and it isn't difficult to get around. It's filled with beautiful classic European buildings which attracts me a lot. 

My friend and I went to the famous Sagrada Familia church which has been under construction since 1882! It seems that the church will only be completed in 2026.

Over there, I also got to experience my first Brazilian food and it was absolutely delicious! 

I hope to return there soon to explore more of the city especially the beach, I am a big fan of it. Nou Camp, the famous Barcelona football club is also in my agenda and the other tourist attractions like the world heritage sites, monuments and museums. 

 Inspiration gives me plenty of ideas of what I want to do in cities like Barcelona. 

2nd: London, United Kingdom

Even though I have been to London a numerous number of times, thanks to my elder sister who is living there, I am more than glad to return there. Its like home away from home - that kind of feeling I have. Exploring the streets by walking or taking the double decker buses around the city, its not difficult to get around not forgetting the tube (public train system). As I have been living in Asia - Singapore for almost my whole life, the scenery in London is a good change from what I get back home. Furthermore, there is no language barrier, so going anywhere is not a problem for me. My frequent hang-out places are White City, Tower Hill and Oxford Circles, lots of fond memories with my friends and family in these areas.

I can't wait for my next trip to London! To get out of the heat in Singapore, sometimes I like going in December even if the cold gets a bit unbearable, its an experience.

3. Sydney, Australia

This picture was taken at Darling harbour, I was there in 2012 around September time. I had been to Sydney before this trip, but I had very little memories of this city so I made my trip here and luckily for me, a friend took me around. What captured me about this city is some of the great scenery especially the Manly Beach. As a beach lover, I think that's one of the better beaches I've been, but of course I prefer the ones at Gold Coast.

I stayed there for about 3 days and off I went to another city, Gold Coast. I didn't really explore much of the city as I spent a couple of days doing plane-spotting near the Sydney Airport. So I need to return there to visit the other must-visit parts of the city. Another tourist attraction that I like is the Sydney fish market which sells very fresh seafood. Glad to enjoyed some of the finest, unfortunately I had rashes after eating some prawns. Cure for it = chocolate! 

4. Seoul, South Korea

Seoul is certainly one of my favourite Asian cities. I have been there a couple of times but I am happy to go back there if I need to. I have covered a few tourists places and there are a few more to go, hopefully I cover that on my next trip there. I hope to catch the cherry blossom season and visit Lotte World which I heard is quite a fun place to be. 

Trying out the local Korean food is fun but the spicy level is too much for me. The last time I had one of their local dishes, I was in tears while trying to finish it. Hope I won't go through that experience again and mind you, lots of local ladies were looking and that was pretty embarrassing

So far my next trip back to Seoul, I like to visit DMZ and other parts of South Korea such as Busan.

5. Taipei

One of my most frequent cities in my list. Why? I have friends there and its a great place for me to stay and from there I can travel to other parts of Taiwan. What attracts me to Taipei? Night markets- plenty of them around the city. My personal favourite is Raohe Night Market and Shilin Night Market, both are very popular among the locals and tourists. Taiwanese food is also my favourite, you have to try the "stinky tofu", its one of my favourite dishes. There are plenty of tourist attractions like the National palace museum, Taipei 101, popular temples and Danshui which I highly recommend to go for the night market and sunset view. From Taipei, you can either take the railway or domestic flights to other cities which is convenient. Will I go back there again? Definitely, to enjoy Taipei and visit other cities.  

I like to nominate the following friends for the top 5 cities they wish to return to one day. 

1. Karla - Traveller Soul

2. Victoria - Singapore Foodie

3. Nikos - Inflightfeed

4.Adrian - Superadrianme

5. Ana - Mrsoaroundtheworld

Do share with me yours! 


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